Interests & Affiliations:
I love manga (shoujo, shounen, shounen-ai, yaoi, shota, yuri, smut, etc.), anime (Same as manga, but I also watch's SO funny!), computer games (mainly MMPORPG), PS2 (fighting games or racing games only, I suck at RPGs and stuff), writing, reading, blogging, helping out scant groups and upkeeping my website Animanga.
Favorite Bands and Artists:
Almost anything that sounds good. It really depends on my mood.
About me:
I just joined. You, too, can be like me.
Are you really confused about your ethnicity?
Yes, yes I am. XD
Visit my friends:
I have 19 friends. [View detailed list]
Member since 2006-10-25 09:27:54
Last logged in 2012-12-24 21:06:08