A weekend of movies.
So after a very long time I've decided to write a blog about my weekend. I think it's mainly because I won't write about what I really want to. If you don't want it forever in writing you shouldn't write it. Good rule of thumb that I try to live by.
So on Saturday I finally saw Avatar 3D after hearing so much about it for such a long time. I have co-workers who've seen it and family. So let me just say that the $15.75 I paid for the ticket wasn't worth it. The 3D was not as nice as I thought it would be. I was much more impressed by the IMAX 3D trailer for Alice in Wonderland then what I actually paid for. (I will be seeing that movie. It's based on a series of books that I love. Complete nonsense with no moral of the story.)
I was not upset by James Cameron showing his views and opinions in his medium. It's what all artists/creators do in one way or another. Personally I also didn't see the same thing everyone else did. 1) America did not go into Iraq and then take over the oil that we all know was part of the reason why we did go over there. (Not that flying planes and declaring war on our country isn't a good reason all on it's own.) 2) Many countries have taken over other countries...yet everyone always seems to go back to us Americans. 3) Who doesn't think that trying to save what little forests and creatures is a good thing? It's not the only thing I care about, but it's not like I'm driving something beyond what I need. You know. The people driving a big ass truck and they don't haul anything or go anywhere where they need 4 wheel drive.
I liked the movie, I thought it was good, despite the over priced tickets, and had a nice night out with my husband. Here's what I didn't like about it. It wasn't really original like I was made to believe. So who here remembers Ferngully: The Last Rain forest? You know the cartoon movie about saving a rain forest from evil loggers and a being Hexxus. One of the loggers tagging trees ends up getting shrunk, etc. etc. etc. So this is basically the same plot, but on crack. It's a movie that's a reminder of the evils in the world.
As a side note while we were in our seats waiting for the movie to start a few people were still coming in. One man asked a party of 6 to move over 1 so he and his wife/date/friend could sit next to each other. Now we had gone and stood in line 45 minutes before it was supposed to start. I ended up standing in line for my popcorn and soda while my husband got our seats. So the guys behind up made a comment on how they wouldn't have moved. They got there ahead of time so screw that guy. My husband makes a comment on how he agrees with the gay guy behind us. That guy's reply? Was it, "Hey asshole I'm not gay!" Oh no...it was, "At least I bought my own popcorn." That's right. No denying he was gay...just that he bought his own popcorn. The funny thing was that the popcorn was mainly for me, but at the time my hubby was munching on some.
So the second movie I saw was Julie & Julia. I thought it was a good movie and harmless fun. I found Julia Child's life very interesting. I knew a little about it, but this brought a portion of her life to a whole new level for me. Frankly the movie also made me miss cooking. I used to do it almost everyday and now that I have a kitchen for it, the movie was a reminder of what I quit doing.
For those who have seen the movie may have wondered as I did, "Why did Julia not care for Julie or her blog?" Since I had no idea who Julie was or her blog I couldn't figure it out. I ended up Googling "julia child not like julie powell" and it gave me the reasons why. Frankly I am sorely disappointed with Julie Powell. In the movie it seems that in order to do something and finish something in her life she picked her hobbie of cooking and to go through Julia Child's cookbook. This is fine and dandy. When I was home schooled I went through the Betty Crocker trying new dishes for dinner and lunch each day. It was fun. I digress though, as I usually do.
From what I've read of her blog, which I do not recommend if you enjoyed the movie and you do not want to have the lovely image of what the movie made her out to be totally ruined. Personally if you don't know someone, they haven't spoken to you, it's not nice to nickname them like calling them JC. Her name is Julia Childs and she has earned and deserves the right to be called Julia at a minimum. She talks about things going wrong, and yet she doesn't really pay attention. She complains about recepies and how long things take.
She's following a cookbook on how to make French food. If she didn't realize it by the size of the cookbook, who Julia Childs is or what it was about then maybe she wasn't as informed as she seemed to have been. French food is complex and frankly there's a reason why the culinary school Julia went to is held to such a high standard. Cooking, wine and fashion. Three things the French are well known for, do very well and let's face it..each is very complicated.
In the end of my hunt for why Julia and her editor may have not liked Julie, her blog or what she was doing I ended up seeing clearly why. From what I've read I agree, she wasn't a serious cook. Serious cooks don't skip rules of those they call a goddess in one entry. It did seems more like a stunt taken half hearted and lightly.
So in the end I did see two good movies that I enjoyed. I just wish I had followed the advice of other bloggers and hadn't read Julie's. Only in the movies can someone like her come out the way she did...
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A Blessed Day.
I've been pretty busy, but I just HAD to share my day! So I had a dentist appointment this morning and was running a bit behind, especially since it was first thing in the morning and I was almost to work before I realized and unfortunately past my dentist. Any who, it was just for a cleaning, but the woman was sooooo slow that I almost fell asleep although that would have been nearly impossible considering she was doing a number to my teeth and gems with her sharp pointy metal picks. OUCH!
So as a ritual I go to the Starbucks that's in the shopping plaza next to my dentist, BUT today the parking lot was blocked off to them so I figured I'd go to my normal place. Boy am I EVER SO GLAD that I decided to do it. So I pull up and what do I see? I see a beautiful Aston db9 that took my breath away and stunned me that I almost missed the amazing Bimota Tesi1d next to it. I wanted to kiss her and touch her and whisper sweet nothings to her. Unfortunately as I was slightly bending over to kiss the hood I noticed the owner keeping a watchful eye inside Starbucks so I stopped. He had a very nice smile that showed he understood my feelings, but hands off.
I've been in a wonderful mood ever since. I've only been annoyed 2 times today (reading the healthcare bill -1000 pgs and read a post from a guildmate who was spouting stupid ignorant blind bs) and that passed ever so quickly. My guildmates had taken downs pills or something and we died so needlessly throughout the night, but it didn't upset me. I just laughed at them and my guild leaders remarks rolled off my back like water on a duck. Ahhh.... I wonder if my good mood from being a kiss space away from the db9 and the Tesi1d will keep?
I'm in ever such a wonderfully good mood. I feel like everthing is sunshine, rainbows and gumdrops. The birds cooing and chirping didn't annoy me as I walked to my door after work. Even the weather knew that today should be a very blessed day for me and only got up to 82 with a very wonderful cool breeze. The kind of day that makes you wish you were outside enjoying yourself just making things out of clouds and having a lovely picnic on a grassy area somewhere. I had a very blessed day.
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